Grace Pointe Community Church is a non-denominational church. We want to be a place where people with a variety of church backgrounds and people without any church background at all feel comfortable to worship and are challenged to grow. Therefore, our belief statement is very simple.


We believe that God has existed since before time began and will continue to exist after time ends. We call this eternal. We believe that God exists as one God with three persons, each having a distinct role. We call this the trinity. We believe that the trinity exists in the form of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Finally, we believe that God longs for a relationship with man. We call this relational.


We believe that you were fearfully and wonderfully created in the image of God, by God, in order to exist in perfect harmony with God. We believe He created you with a plan and a purpose for your life that is unique to you. We believe He has filled you with dreams, desires, and gifts that will enable you to pursue, identify, and fulfill the purpose for which you were created. We believe that you can exist in perfect harmony with Him.


We believe that sin entered the world through the first created man, Adam. We believe that when sin entered the world, the perfect harmony between man and God was destroyed. We believe everyone has sinned and separated themselves from God. We believe that the price of sin is eternal death.

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that He is the Son of God. We believe that God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. To establish that relationship, He sent Jesus to earth. We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, walked the Earth as fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, conquered death by rising from the grave, and now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven. We believe He did this for one reason and one reason only….HE LOVES YOU

Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit. We believe that when Jesus returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to reside in the heart of the believer. We believe it is the Holy Spirit that convicts you of sin, brings to remembrance things which you have learned, comforts and counsels you in time of need, equips you with gifts to serve Him, and empowers you to be a witness for God.


We believe that all people can be saved from the price of sin, including you. We believe it is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we can experience salvation. The Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, and only Jesus Christ has the power to forgive your sins.


We believe in the unmerited favor of God. We are right when we say we don’t deserve God. He, however, thinks we do. He thinks you’re worthy, even if you think you’re not. We believe it is only the unmerited favor of God that even affords us the opportunity to be reunited with Him in perfect harmony. We call this grace.


We believe that the Holy Scriptures are infallible, meaning they are without error. We believe they are authored by God and penned by man, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All of the beliefs posted in this statement come from the Holy Scriptures and references can be provided.

The Church

We believe that the church represents the Body of Christ. We believe he created you to be a part of that body. We believe that when you use your gifts and we use our gifts, together as one body, we can reach the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We would love to have you join us as we break through the darkness and the world, as beacons of hope!